Dressed to Steal

Dressed to Steal


I don't normally care about clothes, but when my friend Charlie Adams's sister Alicia opened a boutique right here in River Heights, of course I wanted to be at the opening.

Turns out it was a pretty popular event. Way more people than expected showed up, and then the store window was smashed, and people were injured! Later I found out that Alicia's most expensive dress was destroyed and her store had been vandalized.

Sounds like more than one-day-sale damage to me. I may not be a fashion expert, but this is one case I'm ready to size up.


  • Жазушы

    Carolyn Keene

  • Беттердің саны


  • Баспасы

    AST Publishers

  • Шығу күні

    2007 жылғы 27 ақпан

  • ISBN


  • Жас рейтингі


  • Тіл
