Үнсіз тыңшы

Үнсіз тыңшы


Defuse a Toxic Plot and Reveal the Truth Behind Kate Drew’s Death!

Nearly a decade ago Agent Kate Drew left home to neutralize a biochemical weapon in Scotland. While her assignment was a success, Kate died in a car accident; or so we were told. Now the echoes of a similar plot reverberate and it’s up to you, as detective Nancy Drew, to thwart the sleeper cell and expose the truth about your mother’s tragic demise.

Трейлерді іске қосу

Ойын мүмкіндіктері

  • Solve the most personal Nancy Drew mystery adventure ever! Learn about Nancy’s mother and what really transpired during her final days
  • Tinker with cutting-edge spy gadgetry! Expose dead drops and black operations by gathering intelligence and new leads
  • Experience Nancy’s childhood memories! Trigger vivid memories of Kate Drew as you discover critical information
  • Match wits with new twists! Characters change their motives as your investigation unfolds
  • Immerse yourself in traditional Scottish heritage! Investigate a remote training arena dedicated to the culture of the Highland Games
  • Spy at different difficulty levels! Play at amateur or master sleuth level and erase mistakes without starting over
  • Practice and learn archery
  • Translate Scottish terms and names
  • Identify Scottish family tartans
  • Unlock a cipher wheel
  • Learn how to play the bagpipes


  • Arena
  • Hotel
  • Room
  • Station
  • Pub
  • Bungalow
  • Cabin
  • Arena
  • Hotel
  • Room
  • Station
  • Pub
  • Bungalow
  • Cabin