
Tomorrow is Nancy Drew's Birthday!

Last few days Her Interactive have posted some information about the future Nancy Drew game and their last video direct hints that we can get something really interesting tomorrow. And we'll tell you everything in order 👀

🗓️ On April, 25 was posted, another puzzle. Clue Crew solved it and got the following message: “Who do you call to find a clue? But your friends old and new. You have no choice, but to warm up your voice. Time to sing for Nancy is 93, then onto our next mystery.”

Well, there also was an additional cypher in the post's description: “nanCy’s bIrthday wEek and sOme festiVe birthday fun!”, that was decrypted as the VOICE word.

🗓️ On April, 26 HeR Interactive Team uploaded a video with Brittany Cox as Nancy Drew voice actress. We previously guessed that she'll come back in the new game, but now it was officially confirmed [otherwise our team could be very sad, because we love how Brittany is voicing Nancy Drew — editor's note]

In the video, Brittany Cox said that she is so exited to be back in the studio recording the newest Nancy Drew mystery game and that this week celebrating 93rd birthday of Nancy Drew character and it's even more special to be recording for a new case. Also, she repeated the puzzle text that this mystery is filled with friends all is new and she'd love to tell us more, but it's “Top Secret.”

How do you think, what we will get tomorrow? We can't describe how our team are inspired by all these news! 😀
